Satnam English classes came into the existence on 16th July 1986 In last 38 years I, Mr. Kuldeep Singh Gulwan (English wale Sardar Ji) has imparted not only English education to students but how to achieve goals in life and can distinguish between fair and evil, unethical and ethical, how to face the challenges in every step of life. I work for the overall development of students. In past 38 years my number of student have become I.A.S, I.P.S, R.A.S, R.J.S., Dr., Lawyer, Principals, lecturer, teachers, author and many more. As I Pay individual attention to each student so students are connected to me personally and this is the key point of my teaching
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768 -Hathi Bhata , Ajmer

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Dilbagh Singh Sodhi (TC.S Senior Engineer U.K.)

“I attended English classes at Satnam Coaching Center in 2010 from Kuldeep Sir, and it had a profound impact on my

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Alok Sharma

Helo Friends,It’s said an opportunity is lost is lost forever,One good mentor or Teacher can make you zero to hero,Same had

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Manoj Kumar Gaur

Hello friends, I Manoj kumar Gaur teacher Mathematics in Mayo college, Ajmer. came from rural background where English Alphabet “A” was

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Harpreet Singh

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher”The word “thank you” would not be

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